Sign Post Forest, Watson Lake, Yukon

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"Sign Post Forest is a collection of signs at Watson Lake, Yukon and is one of the most famous of the landmarks along the Alaska Highway. It was started by a homesick GI in 1942. He was assigned light duty while recovering from an injury and erected the signpost for his hometown: Danville, Ill. 2835 miles. Visitors may add their own signs to the over 80,000 already present." Wikipedia
Taken By
D. Elizabeth Erasmus
Taken On
May 28, 2017
watson lake yukon alaska highway day summer elizabeth erasmus greatbigimage
  • Focal: 38
  • Lens Model: EF17-40mm f/4L USM
  • Shutter speed: 0.01 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 7.1

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